Clients Don‘t Stay Just Because You Do a Good Job
Did you know that 20%-70% of new clients either leave or have mentally checked out waiting for a better option within the first 100 days of using you. If you kept just 5% of those clients leaving you would increase your profits by 25%-100%.
Most service providers have been told over and over and over again that to keep clients happy you just simply need to do a good job and make sure they get results.
And while that is about 20% correct, there is so much more that needs to be thought about and a strategy put in place to ensure you are creating loyalty and deep emotional bonds between you and your clients.
In this ‘Get More Referrals Today’ podcast, I’ll explore client retention and why just doing a good job is not good enough, why sending client gifts at Christmas time is not a great decision (especially the way 95% of organisations do it) and all the little 1%ers that would change you client retention instantly.
In our world it’s all about “Activating Extraordinary Moments” throughout your whole business.
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