You can’t simply build your network and forget about it. It’s vital that you nurture and maintain it by staying connected with people. It’s vital that you create a powerful “stay connected” plan to keep you and your business at top of mind with your contacts and those in your centre of influence. And it’s a good idea to reach out to your connections at least once every 90 days.
Simple ways to stay connected and stay front of mind.
Phone or Skype them to say hello.
Ask people in your network how they are first, and keep notes so you have something personal to reference during your the follow up. You can tell them about an event or big announcement about your company, product or service. Most importantly, don’t close without asking how you can help them or if there’s anyone you can connect them to. Always maintain the helping attitude.
A little extra effort goes a long way.
A note sent through the mail has the personal touch that works very well for developing a relationship. Notes take time, which shows that you value the connection. Don’t think you have to do this every time but once in a while, it’s a great way to be memorable, and stay front of mind.
Show, don’t tell.
Don’t tell your contacts how important they are, show them. Without reciprocity in a relationship, it will degenerate into a “What’s in it for me?” situation. We all know what that feels like – it’s not a feeling that makes you want to stay in touch with someone, let alone help them out. Send them thank you messages and check in regularly to let them know you value the relationship, you’re grateful for them and any referrals that they’ve sent your way. Always remember to ask how you can help them.