It’s easy to get stuck in the day-to-day of working ‘in’ your business. We get caught in the trap of attending to things we think are most important, yet often fail to work on our own upskilling and personal growth. This is just as important, if not more so, if you want to develop as a leader in business or grow your bottom line.
Key areas of focus might be include upskilling in leadership, marketing or sales. It might be working on your own personal development. It’s a matter of continually asking “How can I get better, and how can our plans and strategies be improved on?” It’s essential to evolve, just as the technology and systems we rely on so much do.
The purpose of building your skills and continually evolving is to make life and business easier. A really effective method of doing this is to model others’ successes. If you see something working really well, take inspiration from that. By duplicating something that is already tried and tested, you fast track better results while minimizing grunt work and trial and error. Why spend precious time unnecessarily building and creating new systems?
Why not duplicate those you see working well elsewhere?
Take a moment to and ask yourself, “Am I optimizing everything on hand?” I mean this generally, in reference to all aspects of business such as time, human resource, tools, technology etc.
We’re all time poor, so we need to be diligent in how we use our time, and consider how much of your time the high-value, future proofing areas of business are getting. Put simply, on any given day, 70% of your time should be on marketing, sales and money-making activities.
Menial back-end, day to day tasks are easy to outsource, your time is too valuable to be consumed by these things. Instead, look at how you generate and convert leads, how you onboard and retain staff, how to you expand into new markets etc. Sometimes an hour or two really evaluating where you’re at, where you want to go and the best ways to get there, is worth far more than a chaotic day of ‘busyness’.
Are the people around you the right ones to help you get there? Are the systems in place as good as they could be? These questions need to be asked regularly to avoid unnecessary pain and workload down the track.