Tag Archives: referral

Creating Conversations – 3 Quick Tips of Interaction

Good business is all about what your interactions look like as one person to the other. Your focus needs to be on creating the types of conversations that help build relationships and build rapport.

Keep an open mind and remember that not every conversations has to lead to a sale. You might be creating opportunities to sell but also, very importantly, opportunities to partner or open another door.

You know you’re on the right track as long as the focus is on building the relationship because people buy from those they know like and trust. If have the right sorts of conversations that build trust, rapport and relationships, people will connect with you and are more likely to be able to help you.

Here are 3 quick to help you to understand the other person

1.    Do you have a similar audience? Could this be a cross promotional partner? Might this person be right for your referral team?

2.    Are there any doors you can help the person to open?

3.    Engagement and understanding. You must genuinely engage and be interested in the person, (if not, they’ll sense it). Doing so allows you to really hear them and to quickly identify if you have a solution to their challenge.

When you focus on understanding the person, hearing their needs and challenges and how you can help each other. You move away from a transactional conversation and into building a mutual relationship from which you can both grow and benefit.

Relationship Management Skills Everyone Needs

Whether you have a relationship manager on your team or you’re aware of the benefits and are managing clients, team members or your greater network, you’ll find these skills applicable to every scenario.


A good relationship manager is able to inspire others. This skill focuses on using other people’s wisdom in situations, as well as the ability to connect with people emotionally. When a person has a vision, this quality relies on understanding the entire purpose of the mission. This skill also includes involving others in the vision and listening to their opinions and thoughts.


Your ability to influence others is vital in managing relations. You can learn, acquire or improve your ability to influence by listening to other people, making others feel important and making them feel like their opinions are valuable. This strategy allows people to influence others by making the person speaking feel significant.


Another important skill for relationship management is developing others. It focuses on acknowledging people’s accomplishments and strong points, then offering feedback to them. This skill is important because it helps the growth of businesses. Employees who feel valuable and appreciated are likely to accomplish more.


To manage relationships effectively, emphasise the importance of teamwork. Teams that work well together result in higher performance and productivity levels. Encouraging teamwork includes building and promoting strong teams that communicate and work well together. It also includes encouraging participation from all members and rewarding teams for good work.

Initiating Change

Initiating change is a skill that is used for recognising when change is needed. When you can initiate change, you challenge the status quo and make compelling, logical arguments when change is needed. This is vital in growing businesses; businesses must be willing to accept change and proceed with it. People with good relationship management skills look for ways to overcome the barriers that stop change.

Managing Conflict

How well are you able to manage conflict in a constructive way? People with this skill are able to accept different perspectives, and they demonstrate self-control and respect for everyone. People who manage conflict well are able to deal with difficult people and situations and look for solutions that everyone can accept.

You Need to See Yourself as the Prize! As Soon as You Do, You Will Stop Jumping Through Hoops!

You need to see yourself as the prize! As soon as you do, you will stop jumping through hoops and start attracting more of the RIGHT people…here’s my take on it

Remember come hang out with me and grab some great referral training in our free Facebook group ‘The Referral Network’ just click here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

Stop Having the Same Conversation with Referral Partners that Simply Don’t Work

Stop having the same conversation with referral partners that simply don’t work…here’s what you should be doing instead

Remember come hang out with me and grab some great referral training in our free Facebook group ‘The Referral Network’ just click here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

Building Foundations that Last: Your First 3 Touchpoints

When meeting someone for the first time you want them to remember you months down the road. In order to do so, you need to follow up quickly and consistently to help them remember you. Let’s have a look at your first 3 Touchpoints and how to ensure they stick.

Touchpoint #1: 24 Hours

Make sure you have a touchpoint with the person within 24 hours of meeting them. It can be a quick message, email to acknowledge you enjoyed your time together and note something memorable about your conversation to stand out.

Touchpoint #2: 1 Week

Touch base again after a week – you can follow up on something from when you met, send or share something you think they might be interested in or offer to help. The touchpoint doesn’t have to be long but just a quick check in to say hello and stay front of mind. You can make a tremendous impact simply by looking out for articles, blogs and other information that will be of interest to this person. The key to a lot of the tips here is making the communication about the other person rather than about you. And sending a third party article regarding an area your contact is interested in will reflect well on you

Touchpoint #3: 1 Month

You know how easy it is to forget someone so make sure you touch base again within a month. You can give them a call on the phone or send a simple email or text. All can be powerful tools. People often do not use it enough to communicate on a regular basis. Send them a quick email just letting them know how you are doing and asking them how they are doing? This touchpoint will help solidify your initial meeting in their memory, and if you’re doing it correctly and focusing on them and how you can help them (not what’s in it for you) then you’re establishing yourself as a positive connection in their network right from the start.

Touchpoint #4 and Beyond

You’ve established reliability and trust and you have a good relationship going with this person. Now don’t lose it! They will certainly remember you but you must make a regular effort to stay in touch with them and be front of mind. Aim for every month or 2 if you can.

With all of the touchpoints you make, each point of contact should be meaningful, different and more about them than you. You’ll then find, more often than not, that they are likely to remember you several months later.

Our First Three Accelerators Focus on the Referral Circle

Our first three accelerators focus on the referral circle. Check out what they are here…

Remember come hang out with me and grab some great referral training in our free Facebook group ‘The Referral Network’ just click here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

Simple Tips to Get More Customer Referrals

To get more good customers, focus on your best customers

Your most valuable customers are most likely your most loyal ones and most likely to refer. Look through your CRM system for your best customers and leverage your personal relationship to ask for referrals.

Ask after the checkout process

Timing is a critical factor in referral requests. The end of the checkout process is a good place for it. At this point, it won’t distract your visitor from converting, and given the fact that they just converted, they probably have a positive attitude towards you.

Use a cheeky questionnaire

If you find a direct request for referrals doesn’t quite work for you, you can hide the request in the shape of a questionnaire as well. Start with, “How likely are you to advise [insert your product, service or business] to a friend?” Instead of asking for a favour, you start by asking for their opinion, which makes them feel valued, and boosts their self-esteem. At the same time you make them realise how much they appreciate your service/product and direct their mind towards the idea of referring.

Get close to their friends and minimise the effort with autofill

Sorry to say it, but most customers are lazy in nature. But if you can make it easier for them, they’re more likely to refer you. You can try adding auto fill forms or integrate the referral platform to their social networks and allow them to pick the referrals they would like to make.

If you’re after reviews, make it super easy

Follow these steps to make it as easy as possible so you don’t lose them along the way.

  • Add links to your website pages (in multiple places that make sense) for all the review sites on which you appear (Yelp, Angie’s List, Google, etc.).
  • Put links to review sites in all your communications: In your emails, your Facebook company page, in direct mail or deliveries, really any point of contact you have.
  • Make it easy for customers to find the answers to “What do I do?” and “Why me?” no matter where they go. For example, you can put them in downloadable PDFs on your website and then share that link through all your communication channels
  • Help them figure out how to describe their experience. Many people are afraid of looking silly in print or while taking to peers, so make it easy to find other reviews people have done as models. Plus, this will enhance your social proof.

Heads Up.. Would You Like to be Involved?

Heads up.. Would you like to be involved?

Take a listen and if this is a fit for you then reach out.

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

We Think We Need to Deliver More Stuff, More Content, More Things

We think we need to deliver more stuff, more content, more things.

BUT NO we don’t, here is actually the key ingredient and why people come into Partnership Club.

Remember come hang out with my networks and get some great insider referral training

At the ‘Referral Network’ Facebook group – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

How Active Listening Impacts Networking

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have and how well you listen has a major impact on almost every area of your life as any social interaction requires effective listening skills.

Let’s explore how this impacts your networking abilities. Have you ever been caught mid-way through a conversation at a networking event, only to lose the person’s interest along with their potential referral partnership?

Unfortunately, you’re not alone. Research suggests that we remember between 25% and 50% of what we hear. Wow! So what do you do? The way to improve your listening skills is to practice “active listening,” where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent.

To do this, start by paying careful attention to the other person. Avoid getting distracted or bored.

To enhance your listening skills, you need to let the other person know that you’re listening to them and sometimes a simple acknowledgement is al it takes. This can be something as simple as a nod of the head or a simple “uh huh.”

Active Listening Tips: There are five key active listening techniques. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they say.

1. Pay Attention: Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognise that non-verbal communication also “speaks” loudly. Ex: nod, avoid distractions.

2. Show That You’re Listening: Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention. Ex: Nod occasionally, smile and use other facial expressions, make sure your posture is open and inviting, Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like “yes,” and “uh huh.”

3. Provide Feedback: Our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and beliefs can distort what we hear. As a listener, focus on understanding what’s being said. You may need to reflect and ask questions. Ex: Reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. “What I’m hearing is,” and “Sounds like you are saying,” are great ways to reflect back. Ask questions to clarify certain points. “What do you mean when you say.” “Is this what you mean?” or Summarise the speaker’s

4. Defer Judgment: Don’t interrupt. It frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of the message.

5. Respond Appropriately: Active listening is a model for respect and understanding.  Ex: Be candid, open, and honest in your response, assert your opinions respectfully.