Tag Archives: business

How to Remember People’s Names

Regardless of what you do for work or in life, one of the best ways to make a favourable first impression is to remember people’s names. Remembering someone’s name is the first, most basic step in showing respect and building a meaningful relationship. So why do so many of us struggle?

Some people are naturally better at remembering names than others, but first, let’s talk about why it’s often so difficult to remember names. Many people forget the other person’s name immediately after meeting them. The reason is simple; as the other person is introducing themselves, we aren’t listening! We’re usually thinking about something else, our own introduction and what we’ll say to make a good first impression. We think about the handshake and hope we connect properly. And in sometimes our attention is focused elsewhere.

Now let’s take a look at some helpful tips so you’ll remember more names, and build better relationships at your next networking event.

Commit and Concentrate. You can only remember what you observe in the first place. If you’re distracted or if not paying attention, you won’t register the person’s name so you can’t possibly remember it. Commit to being 100% present with the person and concentrate on what they’re saying. Focus on paying attention to the person’s name when you first hear it, and forming an impression of the person.

Repeat. Repeat their name as they introduce themselves. Use their name a few times during your conversation to help you remember it during your chat and afterwards. An easy way to do this is to ask them a question and include their name. (“So, what type of business are you in, Michael?”)

Associate Try to make an association between the person’s face and an image the name suggests. Even if you can’t create an image for the person or name, just by working on it, you’re reinforcing your memory.

If you remember visual images most easily, try creating an image based on the name and linking it to some physical characteristic of the person. If you’re auditory, try rhymes or songs.

Conclude with their name: Close the conversation by saying their name. It’ll be validating for them, build trust in the relationship and give you another chance to convince your neurons to fire that way again.

Grow with perfect people… It is our #4 Accelerator within the Million Dollar Referral System

Grow with perfect people… It is our #4 Accelerator within the Million Dollar Referral System.

But so many of us don’t have a plan to use our networks in an effective, strategic way, because we don’t start here.

Come hang out with me and my networks and get great inside tips on getting more referrals into your business in our Facebook group – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

Body Language: How to Understand and Communicate More With Less So You Can Build Better Relationships

We all know how important communication is, and if you’ve ever had a conversation where the person you’re talking to has their arms crossed, poor eye contact, and is tapping their feet – it doesn’t matter what they say, you know they’d rather be somewhere else. Body language is a powerful means of communication. Let’s explore how different parts of your body communicate to others and what you can learn about someone else’s internal state from their body language.


There are the obvious signals that your facial features will communicate, however there are other messages your head sends as well. Your hair, for example can convey your mood or self-confidence. When you’re stressed, for example, you may forget to brush your frazzled hair, but when it’s groomed, others know that you’re in control of the way your day is developing and take pride in yourself.


First and foremost, convey strong eye contact to connect and build trust with the person. Always remember though that too much can make the other person uncomfortable; whereas too little makes you seem disinterested. A good general rule to go by is to maintain more eye contact when listening than talking to avoid staring. Your eyes also tell a lot about your inner state, so be aware of what you’re communicating through your eyes. A sarcastic eye roll can be insulting, a friendly twinkle puts people at ease when talking to you, and a lack of wrinkles around the eyes when smiling signals a fake or forced smile.


Use your torso to project confidence and control over your feelings. Use your neck to hold your head high, while looking straight ahead. If you’re slouched, it sends the message that you don’t feel very good about yourself.


When you fidget with your hands, it subconsciously communicates that you are feeling anxious or bored. If you cross your arms tightly, it show you are closed off or even angry. Strangely, if your arms are by your side, you can unintentionally look arrogant. Open palms convey openness and trust, so aim for keeping palms open and hands out. If you struggle with keeping your hands still, a great way to stay neutral is to fold your hands, or if you’re standing, let them rest comfortably either at your sides or on some other convenient resting place.


Your legs are the largest part of your body, and therefore play a large role in what and how you might communicate. If you cross your legs tightly while sitting in a chair, you’re communicating a “closed” view of yourself to others. You want to seem open, relaxed, and comfortable, but not so much that you look sloppy and so relaxed that you’re ready to fall asleep.

Be aware that unconscious leg-shaking or foot-tapping communicates anxiety, irritation or both. Crossing your legs at the ankles is the equivalent to folding your hands in your lap and doing both at the same time will greatly settle your feelings while it ramps up your poise factor.


Notice what you do with your feet. Tapping your toes is one way to show that you’re in a hurry and anxious to get going, or you may tap your toes if you’re trying to get someone’s attention and don’t want to say something rude. But, it’s likely best to communicate directly.

Finally, your communicate confidence or fear by how your stride, which should be strong with a steady gait. Good posture shows a self-confident manner. On the other hand, slouching, slumping, or skulking makes you seem afraid of where you’re heading.

Raising your awareness of how your body language communicates your inner state to others and also what you can learn about how they’re feeling will help you build your own confidence, instill trust in others and allow you to communicate more effectively to build strong relationships.

Using Your Networks More Effectively

In this ‘Get More Referrals Today’ podcast we include a live zoom training audio on how to use your networks more effectively.

In this extended podcast we looked at our networks and some simple plans that we can use to engage with them and begin conversations to create more opportunities.

Remember to grab our ‘Building Your Million Dollar Referral System’ Guide here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/guide

Remember to subscribe to us on…




The Referral Network On Facebook

In this extended podcast we looked at our networks and some simple plans that we can use to engage with them and begin conversations to create more opportunities.

Remember to grab our ‘Building Your Million Dollar Referral System’ Guide here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/guide

Remember to subscribe to us on…




The Referral Network On Facebook

Finding The Right Sort Of Referral Partners

I hear all the time, I don’t get the right sorts of referral partners, I do more than them, why can’t I find people as serious as me.

The relationship between you and your referral partners is really no different to your relationships in your personal life or even with your clients.

You need to be “ATTRACTIVE”

Not attractive from a looks point of view, but from a quality trait point of view.

It is easily the thing that stops most people from getting the right sorts of referral partners.

Here is how you can change that very quickly.

Remember to grab our ‘Building Your Million Dollar Referral System’ Guide here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/guide

Remember to subscribe to us on…


Spotify (search referral marketing guru)


The Referral Network On Facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

What Do People Really Need From You

What do people really need from you… NO it is not more content or Stuff!

Here are my thoughts in this information technology driven age we live in.

Come hang out with me and my networks and get great inside tips on getting more referrals into your business in our Facebook group – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/facebook

Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.

Do You Know Your Ideal Customer?

One of the biggest barriers to receiving heaps of referrals is an unclear ideal client profile. If your referral partners, clients, and customers don’t know who is a perfect fit for your products, programs, and services, it will be difficult for them to identify their own friends, family peers, and contacts who would greatly benefit from hiring you, buying from your company, or learning from you — and in turn difficult for them to refer people to you.

What do the top 10-20% of your clients have in common? Here are some tips to help you find your business’s ideal customers:

Define your product or service from the customer’s point of view. What does your product do for your ideal customer? What problems does your product solve for your customer? What needs of your customer does your product satisfy? How does your product improve your customer’s life or work?

Demographics: Define the ideal customer. What is his or her age, education, occupation or business? What is his or her income or financial situation? What is his or her situation today in life or work?

What problem do you solve for your ideal customer? Determine the specific benefits your customer is seeking when they are buying your product. Of all the benefits you offer, which are the most important to your ideal customer? What are the most pressing needs that your product or service satisfies? Why should your customer buy from you rather than from someone else?

Where are they? Determine the location of your exact customer. Where is your customer located geographically? Where does your customer live or work? Where is your customer when he or she buys your product or service? Where do they spend their time online?

When are they your customer? Determine exactly when your ideal customer buys your product or service. What has to happen in the life or work of your customer for him to buy your product? What time of year, season, month or week does your customer buy?

Determine your customer’s buying strategy. How does your customer buy your product or service? How has your customer bought similar products or services in the past? What is your customer’s buying strategy? How does your customer go about making a buying decision for your product?

Your ability to clearly define and determine the very best customer for your product or service will determine your success in business.

5 Quick Ways to Stay in Touch with Your Professional Network

The New Year is the perfect time to touch base with the contacts in your network to see what they’re up to. Nowadays, it’s more important than ever to keep regular contact with those in your network and keep the relationships strong to keep referrals coming your way.

The New Year provides you with the perfect natural opportunity to send a quick note saying hello. This is as simple as saying “Happy New Year! I would love to hear what you’ve been up to this year and what you have coming up in 2016.” Your contacts will likely appreciate the thought and personal message and reply. If they don’t reply, that’s ok too. You’re still building trust with them and staying in the front of their mind.

Here are five ways to touch base with your professional network:

Social media. Social media platforms offer an easy way to drop a quick note and have the added benefit of allowing you to share content directly with the people in your network. You can send interesting articles to the professionals who might find them relevant. LinkedIn keeps track of changes in your connections’ careers for a quick reference.

Email. Sending an email to someone is much more direct and personal than social media. Email is more likely to result in a back-and-forth conversation, so take advantage of it.

Phone calls. Sometimes a quick phone call is all it takes to catch up with your contacts.

Greeting cards. Cards can be an alternative to email when convenient or appropriate. Your contact will appreciate the time and thought.  is most common but A simple handwritten note is all it takes. It can be to say thank you or even for a holiday.

Invite them out. Whether it’s lunch or just coffee, face-to-face communication is a great way build and maintain a relationship when you have the time. Aim to meet face-to-face with your contacts periodically when possible.

When you keep in touch with your professional network, they are much more likely to help you out. Maintain a genuine relationship with these people and the rest will flow easily.

Focus on 1 Marketing Channel and it is a Matter of Time Before You Get Burnt

Focus on 1 marketing channel and it is a matter of time before you get burnt.

Focus on the next shinny thing and it won’t work out just like all the other things haven’t so far

Focus on building the foundations and systems and now the big bad wolf can’t blow it over

Here are my thoughts…

Remember to come hang out and get our insider trainings on growing your business by referrals


Make sure you subscribe to get great small business marketing tips, video’s and how to’s on referral marketing, using your business networks better and creating partnerships to fill your sales funnels. Great for any coach, consultant or professional service business.

Remember to jump into the ‘ Referral Network’ group on Facebook  and create new opportunities with great business owners. www.facebook.com/groups/michaelgriffiths

Remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel right here for more great coaching.

Remember to grab your copy of the Referral Game Plan at www.referralmarketingguru.com.au/gameplan

Who is Michael Griffiths? Michael is the founder of Referral Marketing Guru & the #1 authority on referral marketing training around the globe. He speaks some 60+ times just on referral marketing and partnerships and runs the leading referral marketing training program to help you build your own Million Dollar Referral System. He encourages active networking in BNI, Chamber Of Commerce and Referral Groups to build your own referral teams.


Did You Know: Most People Aren’t Using LinkedIn in the Right Way? Learn How to Get the Most Out of Your Network in 15 Minutes per Week

The New Year is often a time of setting resolutions and establishing good habits to meet your goals for the coming year. This year, I challenge you to dedicate at least 15 minutes each week to using LinkedIn. LinkedIn is most valuable to those who know how to use it effectively. It is not a sales platform or a place to collect as many connections as possible. The real value in LinkedIn comes for those who are able to establish communication in order to develop and maintain good relationships.

The Challenge: Dedicate 15 minutes each week to your LinkedIn Network

Connect with 10 new people each week. Send them a personal message asking to connect. By doing so, you are communicating with them as an individual and laying the foundation for future contacts. You are starting to build the relationship. Now, get to know them. Ask what she or he does. Ask them who you can connect them to within your network.  Ask how you can help them. By approaching a new connection this way, you are establishing a connection and adding value. Thereby, building trust and a solid relationship that will help to grow your business.

Send 5-7 new messages each week to people you have connections with. This does not have to be lengthy or in-depth. The message can be as simple as, “Hey there, it’s been a while since we last talked, What are you up to?” This is beneficial for 2 reasons:

1) You’re starting communication.

2) You’re front of mind again. By contacting 7 people in your network each day, you quickly get to know everyone in your network so you’re better able to connect people within your network and know who can help when and where. Over time, you will continue to build the relationship with your connections by maintaining regular contact.

Keep it about them! We all know what it’s like to get a new connection, only to be followed by a lengthy sales pitch the following day. LinkedIn is not the appropriate platform for this.  When you are good at what you do, AND you have good relationships with the people in your network, then you won’t have to tell people what you do. They will ask you and they will be happy to help you.